

Gallery Gallery
Console Trailer
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Console Trailer 2
WMV (7.1MB)

#780 ashleigh 08:13:48 04/10/2008
oll gies just grow up it will be here befor you now it just wate
#779 Blaine 18:48:15 03/10/2008
ok just less than a month and it will be worth it despite the blood sweating tears of homework im going through
#778 dragon master 00:47:06 03/10/2008
these pictures rock!
#777 Black Minx 23:58:00 02/10/2008
This game is going to be AWSOM!!!
#776 Dragon King 21:43:50 02/10/2008
im sad


i have a cold.........its raining................and its fall which = cold!

i like this game but i want to pre order it NOW!!!!smilie

but this weather.....*groans*......
#775 the fan 19:36:57 02/10/2008
i love the spyro games
#774 Brazilian Spyro 02:46:55 28/09/2008
I got a question for you dark52 who also beated the game

I got the game and put it to play in my Siemens CX75, but when I was going to play, the screen of "Sound: On - Off" appeared, and it doesn't pass from there, I clicked the Right and Left Action button, and it only changes on to off, I also click on the Center button and off turned on, I pressed the 1 to 9 and also 0 and the same thing happens, I pressed all and every button (except the browser one which should bring me the the Internet) and the same happens, I need help, how can I proceed?

I know it is not fully shown (it's not the screen size) because in my mate's Sony Ericson it works fine, and also shows the vibration under it
#773 Firestar 14:49:22 26/09/2008
i like #13 in the mobile gallery
#772 dark52 - Spyro the Admin 00:24:24 25/09/2008
Thanks, I've added it to the gallery along with some of my own. smilie
#771 Neal 23:49:54 24/09/2008
#770 Blaine 16:33:18 23/09/2008
People Like Them Are Selfish sOMEONE Shouldve Told Them

"This Video Is Going To Millions Of People Across America And Europe So Be Fair."
#769 spyro22 01:33:57 23/09/2008
i think they should re make that video but give us the full sound and not the crummy sound of people in the backround
#768 Terrador64 20:25:12 22/09/2008
I think that oliva is right

SPYRO RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#767 dark_fury912 11:27:23 21/09/2008
But we don't hear the talking all we hear is the stuff that's going on at the background.
#766 olivia 10:31:57 21/09/2008
I love smilie !!! smilie

Now i have just seen the first scene of the new spyro game on you tube!!!:0

All you need to do is go on you tube and type in spyro dawn of the dragon first scene it's so cool!!!

you get to see smilie !!!
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