

Gallery Gallery
Console Trailer
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Console Trailer 2
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#825 spyro52 21:32:27 25/10/2008
ok 67 is kinda wrong EEUUUHHH!!!!!!!!!
#824 spyro 18:35:55 25/10/2008
do you know any cheats
#823 Spyro 17:05:01 25/10/2008
oh my god terador is smiling
#822 MicKaas 17:01:02 25/10/2008
New screenshots! Freaking awesome!!! smilie
#821 spyro3456 16:11:11 25/10/2008
Img 80

Spyro: Sparx, buddy, you ok up there?
Cynder: Whats up there?
Sparx (muffled) Ok, who-evers idea it was for me to explore this slimey tube is an idiot. Theres just slime and more slime and ARGGHGHHH! WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!?!?!?
Spyro: SPARX! you ok?
Sparx: year, im ok, it was just slime
#820 spyro3456 16:02:43 25/10/2008
Oooohhhhh! I can't wait my game iz on da way lol coz we ordered it from america! OMG and i love the new picz they r so cool they make me even more excited hehehehe!!!!!!!!!
#819 spyro52 14:29:32 25/10/2008
NEW PICS wow wicked
#818 Blaine 13:57:02 25/10/2008
Hey For All Those Guys In America Who Have The Game, Maybe Or Maybe nOT yOU Coul Answer The Age Old Question

On 53 of 80 of The cONSOLE iMAGES, wHO iS tHAT rED dRAGON tHINGY?
#817 Rocky 08:37:40 25/10/2008
YAY! I found all pictures from 60 to 80 and PM'ed Dark52 about 'em! smilie

Finally i can do something good for this site! smilie
#816 Skyqueen 07:37:34 25/10/2008
WOW! the pics are awesome! and so are the graphics!! smilie LOL! I can't wait!!!!
#815 Anonymous 21:34:05 23/10/2008
Image 57 Cynder looks sweet
#814 SpyroGirlCazy 16:24:48 22/10/2008
thanks you for puting the new artwork up xD
#813 PYROX 15:34:13 19/10/2008
that's a stratgedy guide (a hints and tips book) for dotd
#812 PYROX 15:30:54 19/10/2008
omg! you guys are soooooo lucky in america!!!
you all have to wait 1 more day!!
GOOD LUCK! smilieD
#811 ZoeD 12:05:18 19/10/2008
I just had a nuther look at the new spyro trailer and it is the dark master I am shore
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