Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly


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Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly

Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly

Developed by previously unknown (and since) companies Equinoxe/Check Six, this game, it's safe to say, was rubbish. Easily the worst Spyro game ever created. Though I might as well have this section despite that.

Spyro: Enter the DragonflySpyro: Enter the Dragonfly Spyro: Enter the DragonflySpyro: Enter the Dragonfly
North America Nov 5th 2002 European Union Nov 29th 2002
System Developer Age Rating
PlayStation 2
Nintendo GameCube
Equinoxe / Check Six 3+ E - Everyone

There's very little to the story of this game. Basically they're still celebrating the Year of the Dragon festival, but now it's time to give the baby dragons their dragonflies. However Ripto shows up, mucks up a spell and loses all of the dragonflies all over the realm. Even Sparx. It's up to Spyro to save the day again.

#1140 TorchSheep 18:47:54 03/05/2011
smilie whatever shorty...
smilie (head explodes)
Ripto really has a temper
#1139 SpyroVSGanon100 08:07:15 03/05/2011
Yeah and he is ugly!
#1138 TorchSheep 06:30:32 03/05/2011
i dunno but his nostrils are HUGE!! smilie
#1137 SpyroVSGanon100 01:58:54 03/05/2011
Why does Ripto keep coming back?
#1136 CAV 09:55:29 28/04/2011
@TorchSheep No, it's because they have deadlines to meet. They want to get the game out as soon as possible, so they can get money out of it sooner.

It's the same reason why they rushed DotD, and E.T. (the worst game of all time).
#1135 TorchSheep 06:36:55 28/04/2011
because people wanted it sooner
#1134 spyrorocks101 04:07:15 28/04/2011
why did they rush it
#1133 SpyroVSGanon100 20:59:25 27/04/2011

Cause there Sofa King We Todd Ed!
#1132 Cynderstar12 19:38:15 27/04/2011
Why didn't they extend the release date, I'm sure the target audience would rather of played an AWESOME game then a rushed, crappy game.
#1131 SpyroVSGanon100 15:53:40 27/04/2011

Yeah it is a shame.
Sounded like it was going to be awesome.
#1130 TorchSheep 06:57:50 27/04/2011
yeah its a shame it sounded like a good game and all
#1129 SpyroVSGanon100 23:26:22 26/04/2011
This was how Enter the Dragonfly was supposed to be and why it wound up sucking:

According to this, the game was originally going to be about Gnasty Gnorc coming back and teaming up with Ripto so that the two could get all of the dragonflies for themselves as well as contain around 120 dragonflies to collect, over 25 levels, a framerate of 60 frames per second and fast loading times. However, Universal Interactive Studios forced the developers to rush on developing the game in order to be available by Winter 2002 (with this being the only title that both studios ever produced), and therefore it suffers from an inconsistent framerate, long loading times, graphical glitches (hence the swimming in air glitch), sound issues and lock-ups. Additionally, Gnasty does not appear anywhere in the game at all (but is mentioned by Ripto in the intro), there are only nine levels for the player to explore (all of which are in one hubworld) and only 90 dragonflies for the player to collect.

So Enter The Dragonfly was going to be awesome but they were rushed into getting it out before winter 2002 and that is why Enter The Dragonfly sucked.
#1128 TorchSheep 19:31:18 24/04/2011
started replaying this game today, man it sucks!
#1127 ShadowCynder12 18:07:08 17/04/2011
this game is addicting
#1126 TorchSheep 17:11:19 17/04/2011
kl im playing all of the spyro games at the moment trying to complete them all 100%!
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