The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning
The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning
Released in October 2006, The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning, is said to be the first of a new reset storyline and was developed by Krome Studios (PS2, XBOX, GCN, GBA) and Amaze Entertainment (DS).
Oct 10th 2006 | Oct 27th 2006 |
- Action/combat orientated
- New breath abilities, fury attacks, melee and aerial combo attacks
- Upgradeable breath abilities
- The new storyline explores Spyro's origins, all the way back to when he hatched and was raised by a family of dragonflies
- Fire, Earth, Electric and Ice breaths.
- The villain is a female black dragon called Cynder.
- Krome Studios are taking care of the Xbox, PS2, Gamecube and GBA versions whilst Amaze Entertainment are making the DS version again.
- Five bosses to fight during the game
- Spyro returns to the skies
- Elijah Wood as the voice of Spyro
- David Spade as the voice of Sparx
- Gary Oldman as the voice of Ignitus: a red dragon, the Fire Dragon Elder and Spyro's mentor.
- Named enemies. A lot of creatures that Spyro attacks will have their own individual name (randomly assigned except for significant enemies such as bosses or some small creatures). You can read a complete list of all of the bits of the names, and view a Random Enemy Name Generator.
this game is awsome
I want the game!
YES i completed this game last niht(ps2)
i can now play this ITS AWESOME(PS2)
at least its better then enter the glitchyfly.
well right now this game is sitting in my room doing nothing,my mom,s back i dont know why she wont un pack the ps2.
@Dark Spyrel
Yes, they do have an unlimited breath cheat.
Yes, they do have an unlimited breath cheat.
awesome game
I usually finish the game, then for a second time, use the cheats, and see if there's any extras I missed.
wait cynderstar12 all the cheats i've looked at dont have any unlimited flame
the is funny
quick,short,easy game. never used cheats and beat this in 2 and a half hours
In my opinion, you should be able to fully enjoy a video game without the need for cheating.
icantplay this intell next month
darkspyrel: Easy, you can use the cheats! That's what I did.
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