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13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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3:33 AM - Friday the 11th of February, 2011 - by dark52
Activision have finally revealed their plans for Spyro, and those plans are in the form of Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure. USA Today have the details of this new direction for the franchise.

[User Posted Image]

This is apparently the "innovative new universe" that "will bring the world of toys, video games and the Internet together in an unprecedented way" that Activision recently mentioned in their Financial Results. Which means the game is likely unrelated to any previous Spyro games and you'll be using various real world action figures from a set of more than 30 characters to interact with the game in some manner.

No platforms are mentioned specifically other than "multiple systems as well as computers, handhelds and phones" but earlier rumours suggested Wii and DS as candidates. They also give a release date of "this fall".

Thanks go to Aura24 for finding the article.
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#1 darkdragon50 03:40:18 11/02/2011
Well, this looks bad. Spyro just looks really weird. Hopefully, this will be better when its released.
#2 Smirf991 03:48:18 11/02/2011
all games I know of that took that path SUCK
I thought that they were going to release something Amazing, not this that, that could end up as a massive POS.

Unless this is a red herring, this may not do all that well for Spyro after all.

...,-*llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.\.......................... .......
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why not...
#3 Cynder_fan 03:51:32 11/02/2011
Quote: dark52
Activision have finally revealed their plans for Spyro, and those plans are in the form of Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure. USA Today have the details of this new direction for the franchise.

[User Posted Image]

This is apparently the "innovative new universe" that "will bring the world of toys, video games and the Internet together in an unprecedented way" that Activision recently mentioned in their Financial Results. Which means the game is likely unrelated to any previous Spyro games and you'll be using various real world action figures from a set of more than 30 characters to interact with the game in some manner.

No platforms are mentioned specifically other than "multiple systems as well as computers, handhelds and phones" but earlier rumours suggested Wii and DS as candidates. They also give a release date of "this fall".

Thanks go to Aura24 for finding the article.

Dear god, look at the model of him... Activision have mutinized him and now are making the anticipated game look bad...
#4 zer0dch 03:53:20 11/02/2011
Just die.
My childhood was raped again.
Edit: Liking the graphical style but Spyro looks uglier than he did in TloS series.
#5 black dragon 04:03:08 11/02/2011
Out of all the models of Spyro out there, this one's defiantly my least favorite.
#6 zer0dch 04:03:54 11/02/2011
Quote: black dragon
Out of all the models of Spyro out there, this one's defiantly my least favorite.

They could really just base it off old Spyro.
Is it really that hard.
#7 Smirf991 04:05:11 11/02/2011
is it just me or does spyro look demonic (spelling?) in that picture
#8 zer0dch 04:07:02 11/02/2011
[User Posted Image]
So much better.
#9 Cynder_fan 04:08:17 11/02/2011
Quote: Smirf991
is it just me or does spyro look demonic (spelling?) in that picture

It looks like a Bus ran into his face, his horns were put on a strecther and his eyes injected with goo.
#10 spyro14ever 04:11:32 11/02/2011
The only game Spyro looked good in IMO since the PS1 games is Dawn of the Dragon.... this is his worst.

Hopefully it ends up good.
#11 Razz 04:12:24 11/02/2011
I'm ignoring the cry babies on this one. They whined about LoS, too, and then proceeded to eat that up. They'll change their tune later on.

Honestly, I think this looks promising. The art style is interesting, they actually hired writers this time, and Hans Zimmer is doing the music. It looks, at least for now, like they've learned from the mistakes made with LoS. I don't really get the whole toy thing, but we'll just have to see how that plays out.
#12 Aura24 04:20:51 11/02/2011
Classic Spyro fans wanted an original spyro game, and they got it. Now some of them already claiming about the things they don't like in the game, like Spyro's design.
#13 zer0dch 04:23:53 11/02/2011
Quote: Aura24
Classic Spyro fans wanted an original spyro fan, and they got it. Now they're already claiming about the things they don't like in the game, like Spyro's design.

Was this confirmed to be classic? My eyes must be going bad, because I searched and I didn't find it?
#14 Smirf991 04:23:55 11/02/2011
Quote: Aura24
Classic Spyro fans wanted an original spyro fan, and they got it. Now they're already claiming about the things they don't like in the game, like Spyro's design.

never said that I loved or hated any of the figures,
but they will scare the group that it is aimed at
#15 Aura24 04:24:34 11/02/2011
Quote: zer0dch
Quote: Aura24
Classic Spyro fans wanted an original spyro fan, and they got it. Now they're already claiming about the things they don't like in the game, like Spyro's design.

Was this confirmed to be classic? My eyes must be going bad, because I searched and I didn't find it?

It's confirmed on the article that the game going to be based on the Original Spyro from his PS1 days..
#16 zer0dch 04:29:34 11/02/2011
Quote: Aura24
Quote: zer0dch
Quote: Aura24
Classic Spyro fans wanted an original spyro fan, and they got it. Now they're already claiming about the things they don't like in the game, like Spyro's design.

Was this confirmed to be classic? My eyes must be going bad, because I searched and I didn't find it?

It's confirmed on the article that the game going to be based on the Original Spyro from his PS1 days..

It looks like Spyro has Down Syndrome...I'm serious. Don't take this as a joke post. He just looks...deformed.
#17 Razz 04:29:34 11/02/2011
Hey, that was uncalled for Aura. :/ Who's the biggest, most obnoxious Classic fan here? *raises hand* And who just unleashed a word fury on the people bashing this game? *waves hand around* At my gallery, the biggest complaints I've gotten about this game are from the LoS fans. Do we really need to set the fires already?
#18 Smirf991 04:30:46 11/02/2011
Not relevent
#19 zer0dch 04:31:28 11/02/2011
Quote: Smirf991
hey, this is about the game not your "perfect" art

unoriginal ;c
#20 Razz 04:32:08 11/02/2011
What are you even talking about SMirf991? Did you even read my post (or are you talking to someone else)? I was talking to Aura who seems to think only the Classic fans don't like the new stuff.
#21 Aura24 04:33:53 11/02/2011
Quote: Razz
Hey, that was uncalled for Aura. :/ Who's the biggest, most obnoxious Classic fan here? *raises hand* And who just unleashed a word fury on the people bashing this game? *waves hand around* At my gallery, the biggest complaints I've gotten about this game are from the LoS fans. Do we really need to set the fires already?

Sorry, I didn't mean all Classic fans...
#22 Smirf991 04:34:44 11/02/2011
Not relevent
#23 zer0dch 04:35:40 11/02/2011
Quote: Smirf991
no, what I was saying is your consept and theirs right now are simmilar, so it is not supprising that you find it good and other hate it.
I personally think... nvm

complaining about it won't get me anywhere, think and...

how about ending spyro for good so theres nothing to complain about.
Or Insomniac gets the rights? I know they had no more ideas..but really haha Spyro sucks offense spyro lovers
#24 Razz 04:35:47 11/02/2011
What concept are we talking about here? I seriously have no idea what you're talking about.
#25 Aura24 04:37:37 11/02/2011
Sorry, Razz, I didn't mean all Classic fans...
#26 gaul2 04:40:32 11/02/2011
Spyro looks Horrible!
But i'll still get that Game!
and i hope they have spyro Toys and Action figures too!
#27 Smirf991 04:42:21 11/02/2011
Not relevent
#28 Razz 04:50:03 11/02/2011
No worries, Aura. I'm a bit keyed up at present (really bad stuff going down on my end) and it's a bit irritating to see fans who've been whining for a new game for years flip their lids and hate on what they've wanted without even seeing it in action.

Smirf991, you still haven't explained a single thing to me. You're just wailing that I'm not thinking about...whatever it is you're saying and all you're screaming about is some alleged concept I have. What concept? I haven't written Spyro fanfic for months and this new Spyro looks like nothing I've ever seen before. Are you just butthurt because I like it and you don't, or is it because you want to like it and you're mad that I like it, too? Use words and explain this to me, please.
#29 zer0dch 04:50:44 11/02/2011
Quote: Smirf991
That is why I HATE dealing with artists,
I could shout "Think, **** you THINK"
but what would it do.
How I see things and how you see things are different.

[User Posted Image]
I hope the game is good.
#30 Aura24 04:51:46 11/02/2011
Quote: Razz
No worries, Aura. I'm a bit keyed up at present (really bad stuff going down on my end) and it's a bit irritating to see fans who've been whining for a new game for years flip their lids and hate on what they've wanted without even seeing it in action.

And there's already tension building up around here too...
#31 GamingMaster_76 04:57:26 11/02/2011
Spyro looks okay. Kind of cute actually, apart from those fangs.

The rest? NO. The zeppelin is pointing to the fact that there WILL be humans in this game full-on.

Thanks for killing my childhood, Activision... smilie Just tell us there aren't any humans involved.

At least the title isn't The Monster Gang.
#32 SpyroFanatic101 04:58:22 11/02/2011
Yes there is because of all the fatal mistakes acti has made. honestly i dont see how Spyros still alive let alone carying his fanbase with him
#33 Aura24 04:58:38 11/02/2011
There have been humans in a Spyro game before, Gaming. It's going to be a classic Spyro game. Remember, RR, YOTD, and ETD? They had humans in those..
#34 zer0dch 05:05:31 11/02/2011
You know, if this game is like the first three Spyro's...and the impressions are good, then I'll be renting it.
#35 GamingMaster_76 05:05:33 11/02/2011
Minor humans. They were big in-level, but were never major in the plot. But a zeppelin makes it look like they'll be here. I just hope they aren't...

GTG/RR and YoTD had SEMI-humans.
#36 zer0dch 05:06:56 11/02/2011
Quote: GamingMaster_76
Minor humans. They were big in-level, but were never major in the plot. But a zeppelin makes it look like they'll be here. I just hope they aren't...

GTG/RR and YoTD had SEMI-humans.

This man knows his stuff. Listen.
#37 Smirf991 05:07:48 11/02/2011
Talking, talking. Spinning a web of words, pale walls of dreams, between myself and all I see.

Hey, What we say now will not affect the game but how we go into the game thinking. If we think if is crap now, it Will be crap to us if we play it.
On the other hand, if he go in to it thinking it will be amazing we have the chance of being let down.
Just go into it as if you knew nothing about spyro, Then you will come out happy.
#38 spyro_987 05:09:11 11/02/2011
Looks... Different. I can't judge this till I've played it, so I'll wait before I criticize. But spyro does look demented
#39 GamingMaster_76 05:09:27 11/02/2011
Woman, but thank you.

I'm fine with there being SOME humans, but not enough to fill a whole hub... Tell me another good platformer involving dragons as protagonists that doesn't have an overload of humans and isn't Spyro.
That's one of the things that makes it so great: it has dragons as protagonists with no major human contact, and is [at least] one of very few platformers like that.
#40 black dragon 05:12:32 11/02/2011
Quote: Razz
Honestly, I think this looks promising. The art style is interesting, they actually hired writers this time, and Hans Zimmer is doing the music. It looks, at least for now, like they've learned from the mistakes made with LoS. I don't really get the whole toy thing, but we'll just have to see how that plays out.

I agree about the art style, can't wait until some concept are is found.
The art's usually really cool.
#41 Smirf991 05:15:36 11/02/2011
After staring at the picture for a while, I get what they are trying to do. I wish they had released this picture with it in mind.
I'll leave it to you to figure it out, it is not that hard.
#42 ElectricDragons 05:15:52 11/02/2011
I don't believe this. >.>
#43 GamingMaster_76 05:19:36 11/02/2011
Yes, I instantly saw that papercraft/bobblehead style...
#44 SpyroFanatic101 05:19:46 11/02/2011
Quote: ElectricDragons
I don't believe this. >.>

LOL me neither
#45 GamingMaster_76 05:20:56 11/02/2011
And Spyro's red eyes. Either a reboot or just another dye, or a more maroon shade.
#46 black dragon 05:25:04 11/02/2011
Quote: GamingMaster_76
Yes, I instantly saw that papercraft/bobblehead style...

I demand for the special edition of this to come with a Spyro bobblehead or something.
#47 Thunderdragon14 05:28:30 11/02/2011
AWW so it's not in TLoS? D':
#48 Aura24 05:29:15 11/02/2011
Quote: Thunderdragon14
AWW so it's not in TLoS? D':

Yeah I'm a bit sad about that too. But at least it's a Spyro game we'll probably enjoy.
#49 zer0dch 05:29:23 11/02/2011
Quote: Thunderdragon14
AWW so it's not in TLoS? D':

I'm actually really happy about this.
#50 GamingMaster_76 05:33:15 11/02/2011
I could probably make a dragon very similar to him in Combat of Giants: Dragons. smilie

(And I don't find that bad...)
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