Spyro: Shadow Legacy


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Spyro: Shadow Legacy

Spyro: Shadow Legacy

Another new console debut for Spyro, this time the Nintendo DS; the successor to the GameBoy Advance (well, close enough).

Experience the magic, live the adventure! Spyro returns home to the dragon realms to find them in ruins. He soon discovers that a powerful magic force has banished everyone to the mysterious Shadow Realm. Spyro must master the use of magic and hone his skills - take touch-screen control of the fire-breathing dragon and save the day!
Spyro: Shadow Legacy Spyro: Shadow Legacy
North America Oct 18th 2005 European Union Nov 4th 2005

Spyro: Shadow Legacy takes use of the DS's touchscreen by way of inputting spells which are shapes and symbols. One screen shows the action, the other the menu. Originally it was announced that the wireless feature would also be utlised by way of trading collectable creatures though this didn't make it to the final game. Shadow Legacy features a levelling system for the first time in the Spyro series, the more enemies you defeat the more skill points you earn to put into Spyro's strength and abilities, you'll also be able to put your experience towards building Spyro's collection of magical powers and martial arts combat abilities.

#345 Skyqueen 23:37:56 11/07/2008
same do I!!
#344 Cynder_543 03:44:28 11/07/2008
I really whant to play this game badly!!!! smilie


smilie smilie smilie
#343 i_hate_taylor 19:13:10 08/07/2008
hey i have trouble on the chi attack can you tell me how it wont take the r...
#342 Skyqueen 22:49:50 06/07/2008
i bet this game is cool!! smilie smilie smilie smilie !
#341 yourface 19:13:50 05/07/2008
hey! okay i need help...how do you get more gems!!! I can only get up to 999 gems wtf!! so can you pleeeease help me!!!

#340 yourface 19:13:01 05/07/2008
hey! okay i need help...how do you get more gems!!! I can only get up to 999 gems wtf!! so can you pleeeease help me!!!

#339 Skyqueen 01:41:25 05/07/2008
dunno, ive never played this game!
#338 Rockstar 17:12:38 02/07/2008
Rock hard how do ya get ice powers?
#337 Skyqueen 07:25:09 30/06/2008
whats so funny about spyro?
#336 Ninja 22:02:53 26/06/2008
Hahahaha! so this game is spyro the DRAGON!!!!! Wahahahaha!
#335 dragon master 03:24:03 25/06/2008
I'd like to get this game, but I don't have enough money.
#334 Robo-Spyro 13:56:53 24/06/2008
It's hard to concentrate on two screens at a time smilie
#333 LyraDragon 17:24:13 20/06/2008
i have played this, but every time i allways get stuck someweresmilie
#332 EEVEE 21:23:41 15/06/2008
iv beatin the sorserr and i dont care if i spell it wrongsmilie
#331 kyuubi 07:54:20 13/06/2008
hey ppl i like beatin the sorceror lol its easy when you know howsmilie
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