Spyro: Shadow Legacy


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Spyro: Shadow Legacy

Spyro: Shadow Legacy

Another new console debut for Spyro, this time the Nintendo DS; the successor to the GameBoy Advance (well, close enough).

Experience the magic, live the adventure! Spyro returns home to the dragon realms to find them in ruins. He soon discovers that a powerful magic force has banished everyone to the mysterious Shadow Realm. Spyro must master the use of magic and hone his skills - take touch-screen control of the fire-breathing dragon and save the day!
Spyro: Shadow Legacy Spyro: Shadow Legacy
North America Oct 18th 2005 European Union Nov 4th 2005

Spyro: Shadow Legacy takes use of the DS's touchscreen by way of inputting spells which are shapes and symbols. One screen shows the action, the other the menu. Originally it was announced that the wireless feature would also be utlised by way of trading collectable creatures though this didn't make it to the final game. Shadow Legacy features a levelling system for the first time in the Spyro series, the more enemies you defeat the more skill points you earn to put into Spyro's strength and abilities, you'll also be able to put your experience towards building Spyro's collection of magical powers and martial arts combat abilities.

#390 super spyro 16:45:10 26/10/2008
I love this game I got it two days ago it's fun!
#389 spyrathedragon 23:11:49 17/10/2008
i like the cover,i herd rumers of cheats on here.i wish i had a DS!
#388 cynder21 22:48:20 13/10/2008
i just got this game and i knda like it. my sis got it actually but i steal it.
#387 American Spyro 22:45:31 13/10/2008
i know. isnt it weird.
#386 therica 21:49:14 13/10/2008
man its sad that ember likes bandit now.
#385 American Spyro 23:15:33 11/10/2008
If any body has a ds action replay heres some codes:
hold L+R+X to phase anywhere
94000130 000000FF
220DEEDB 00000001
220DEEDC 00000004
D0000000 00000000
there r more action replay cheats to this game. i hav more but i dont want to tell them.
#384 dingodile555 21:46:53 11/10/2008
This great DS game is the sequel to A Hero's Tail and it is my favourite Spyro game, but it's a shame there are a lot of annoying glitches.
#383 Polar-krush 06:33:50 11/10/2008
I wish this game was on PS2.
#382 American Spyro 00:15:13 10/10/2008
I know some cheats too
#381 American Spyro 22:51:32 08/10/2008
there are cheat codes 4 this game. but they're only for DS Action Replay.
#380 American Spyro 22:50:47 08/10/2008
i cant find my ds!!!!!! so tempting!!! i want to play it noooowwww!!!!
#379 Spyros_fan 13:04:54 08/10/2008
We should contact them to make a PS2 version because if you played Okami before, then you know you don't have to do a touch screen. They made it where you pressed L1 (or was it L2?) and held it and just pressed square or triangle (for different speeds) and drew with the analog stick (it's just like pressing one of the other buttons, really easy!) to do what ever we had to do. (I personally refer if you're looking for a game, buy this one! For PS2 and Wii.)
#378 doom_bringer 18:59:04 06/10/2008
they should make it on ps2 otherwize there is not a lot of different style games to play
#377 ice_bomb 06:27:15 02/10/2008
This game is actually one of my favorites.
#376 SpyroCrazy 17:24:43 27/09/2008

Same here.
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