Spyro: Shadow Legacy


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Spyro: Shadow Legacy

Spyro: Shadow Legacy

Another new console debut for Spyro, this time the Nintendo DS; the successor to the GameBoy Advance (well, close enough).

Experience the magic, live the adventure! Spyro returns home to the dragon realms to find them in ruins. He soon discovers that a powerful magic force has banished everyone to the mysterious Shadow Realm. Spyro must master the use of magic and hone his skills - take touch-screen control of the fire-breathing dragon and save the day!
Spyro: Shadow Legacy Spyro: Shadow Legacy
North America Oct 18th 2005 European Union Nov 4th 2005

Spyro: Shadow Legacy takes use of the DS's touchscreen by way of inputting spells which are shapes and symbols. One screen shows the action, the other the menu. Originally it was announced that the wireless feature would also be utlised by way of trading collectable creatures though this didn't make it to the final game. Shadow Legacy features a levelling system for the first time in the Spyro series, the more enemies you defeat the more skill points you earn to put into Spyro's strength and abilities, you'll also be able to put your experience towards building Spyro's collection of magical powers and martial arts combat abilities.

#420 supermalefor 01:28:02 31/12/2008
You guys like chowder 2? Sweet! But ur right anonymus, Spyro SL is better than chowder. At least ya dont here Spyro cooking and Sparx saying Radda.
#419 American Spyro 23:54:22 30/12/2008
I luv Chowder 2!!!!!!
#418 Cynder_fan 20:08:41 30/12/2008
I have this and i cant use the mind moving power to move the rocks!! Its annoying!
#417 Its Me 13:32:30 20/12/2008
U no if they could make a jet option with his wings it would B as dogfighting with jet planes...heat seeking fire balls,ice bombs call it and it will B GREAT
#416 Cynder_543 09:55:58 20/12/2008
I don't know why but I really like the cavor of this game. Spyro's wings sure have change alot...

Jeez, Titan is really mean in this game! I just want to go and pounch him in the face!
#415 Dragon Ruby 19:12:44 19/12/2008
OK,I know i don't have the game but if i do,I will treasure my love of SPYRO forever.
#414 supermalefor 02:01:38 19/12/2008
is the sorcerer a purple dragon or a purple monster that looks like a dragon?
#413 Cynder jewel 17:01:51 15/12/2008
Try going into the dragon villige.
#412 Carly 21:52:06 10/12/2008
hi, please can anyone help me on this game?
i have just completed cliff town and bandit has asked me to escort him to the dragon village.
i agreed and we were walking there, but i forgot to clear the path of enemies and now he has gone, i cant get him back.

any suggestions?
#411 Cynder jewel 18:05:11 04/12/2008
Just 2 say I got the cheats of a nother web site.
#410 Cynder jewel 18:03:35 04/12/2008
In the forgotten Worlds there is a barrel that has gems. if you go away from the forgotten worlds or into a hole and then come back, the barrel will be there refilled.
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Verified by: fire_entity0, DarkSpyro_Dragon Submitted by: fire_entity0 on June 25, 2006
Last Kerfuffle leaf
The last Kerfuffle leaf is in a shop for 1000g.
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Verified by: fire_entity0, kimonio Submitted by: starwarsmaster on November 18, 2005
Learn more moves
I dont know if it works on other ds\'s but oh well. when you level up, only learn one move and wait till u level up next. So now you think you have got 3 more new moves left to learn, but hopefully you should learn 4 moves instead of 3. I dont know how it worked but I use that method all the time now. Good luck!!!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: J . E on February 20, 2007
Listening to talk
In the begging of the game, the guy will talk. If you press A it won't work. All you have to do is prees X. I got real frustrated when A didn't work.
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Verified by: fire_entity0 Submitted by: Em on May 01, 2006
Renew Crystals
Along your journey, you'll find various crystals that will enhance certain abilities. The crystals will, however, soon fade, crack, break, and finally crumble. When the crystals break completely, they will be removed from stock, and their powers will be gone. Keep an eye on your crystals. If it looks like it will break soon, highlight the certain crystal, select "DROP", and pick it back up. It will be renewed as if you never picked it up.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: xxcassyxx on April 09, 2007
Renewing your crystals.
Be careful wen u renew ur crystals. If you start out with a good shimmering crystal and drop it u will find that when u pick it up it is a dingy crystal. Try not to drop them until the last minute. Shimmering crystals, pure crystals and dingy crystals are all different.Each one may work the same way for example the crystal of duck Feathers reduces the amount of damage taken by falling into water. But a shimmering crystal wil work the best, pure crystals may have side effects, luminescent crystals and dingy crystals dont work so well. SO DONT DROP YOUR CRYSTAL UNTIL YOU REALLY NEED TO OR YOU WILL BE LOSING HEALTH QUICKER AND ABILITIES WILL BE REDUCED.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: xCaytlynx on November 20, 2007
See Spyro Move
To make Spyro move around without moving his legs, get 30 eggs, go to Kaitlin to learn the Egg Roll spell.After you learn it, do this: Do the move then when your in the egg,turn off the Nintendo DS.Then turn it back on to the game. Now listen carefuly:When your back on,the egg is still there.Now if you did it correct,the inventory will be on the bottom screen.Now do this.Go touch the top circle then do the egg spell.If done correctly,you'll see Spyro.Move the stylus (or toucher pen) on the bottom screen and Spyro will move without his legs moving!

Egg Glitch
Ok on the spell screan make the O and become an egg then imeledety hit a button on the + pad
If done right you'll be on the invontory screen and it will be black!

Long lasting cystals
When your crystal is about to fade and vanish simply drop it on the
Lots of Eggs
Hers a glitch that I found. I'm not sure if this works for everyone.

After you put out all the fires for the fairies, go and talk to the green fairy. She will give you an egg.
Now, either leave the fairy area, go into a hole, or teleport. Now, go back to the fairies and talk to the green one again, she will give you another egg. Keep doing this for lots of eggs.
Note: You dont have to have just completed this quest, it will work no matter what point your at, as long as you put out the fires at one point.
#409 wanderist 17:05:28 28/11/2008
Okay I got it to work yesterday. But thank you anyway American Spyro!
#408 American Spyro 21:23:32 23/11/2008
you have to be by an enemy in order for it to work.
#407 wanderist 00:24:28 20/11/2008
How do you cast the lightning spell? I keep trying but this weird target thing ... well I don't know what to do with it! Someone PLEEEEEEEEEEEEESE help me!
#406 American Spyro 00:13:02 17/11/2008
I beat this whole entire game.
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