Spyro: Shadow Legacy


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Spyro: Shadow Legacy

Spyro: Shadow Legacy

Another new console debut for Spyro, this time the Nintendo DS; the successor to the GameBoy Advance (well, close enough).

Experience the magic, live the adventure! Spyro returns home to the dragon realms to find them in ruins. He soon discovers that a powerful magic force has banished everyone to the mysterious Shadow Realm. Spyro must master the use of magic and hone his skills - take touch-screen control of the fire-breathing dragon and save the day!
Spyro: Shadow Legacy Spyro: Shadow Legacy
North America Oct 18th 2005 European Union Nov 4th 2005

Spyro: Shadow Legacy takes use of the DS's touchscreen by way of inputting spells which are shapes and symbols. One screen shows the action, the other the menu. Originally it was announced that the wireless feature would also be utlised by way of trading collectable creatures though this didn't make it to the final game. Shadow Legacy features a levelling system for the first time in the Spyro series, the more enemies you defeat the more skill points you earn to put into Spyro's strength and abilities, you'll also be able to put your experience towards building Spyro's collection of magical powers and martial arts combat abilities.

#570 ashleigh 13:15:33 19/01/2011
I finsh this game in a day I might play this game again
#569 01spyro 11:00:45 03/01/2011
help me I can't free the bears im stuck on a spot and my ds ran outta charge
#568 Sparky5 17:02:41 31/12/2010
Wish I knew that talking to Tomas when I leveled up to learn more about magic would upgrade the reception of my teleportation... Cause then I would've got that levels ago!!! This happens to me all the time so I'm kinda used to it...
#567 TheWereCat 23:34:30 28/12/2010
Hate the spells in this game... The only useful one is 'teleport'. And the ending screen, too; it's just like 'the bad guys are gone. But oh mai! They shallz return.' -.-
#566 Spyro LoverGirl 20:34:25 26/12/2010
Harvey, not everyone likes the same games as you do. People can have their own opinions.
I know that you really like Crash, but I think he is a MEGA SUCKER AND HE'S A LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#565 Sparky5 16:11:30 26/12/2010
I got this game yesterday!
#564 Awesome Sparx 12:57:49 23/12/2010
I'd really love to get this for Christmas, but we can't find it. Yata I'm so happy I got a DSi last Christmas! smilie
#563 Harvey1997 02:44:24 17/12/2010
HOW DARE YOU! this game is awesome! in fact, besides dotd having hunter in it, it's the only game with hunter, bianca, etc. in it that i like
#562 SuperSpyroFan 12:29:20 05/12/2010
I played this from a friend a couple of months back, and it is so boring.
#561 the13thdragon 00:27:38 04/12/2010
Awwwww i went to the froggoten realm and i teleported out and now i cant get back
#560 CynderFan1309 22:55:33 03/12/2010
Thank you ThunderDragon14 smilie
#559 Thunderdragon14 08:13:12 17/11/2010
Does anyone know where I can buy it? 8D

my mom buys alot of crap off ebay so im guessing u should buy it off ebay smilie
#558 Cynder_fan 02:25:43 13/11/2010
Hmm, for the short while I had my DS (and it doing a successful act of Houdini and dissapeaering) this game didn't seem all to bad. Sure thre was a few bits that were annoying, but that's standard for any game. Gameplay was good, character movement was slow (Run button anyone?) but didn't play too much of it unfortunatly.

This is why Cynder_fan is secretly depressed, he never gets to keep nice things : <
#557 CynderFan1309 23:48:57 11/11/2010
Spyro LoverGirl, people can say if they like this game or not. This IS the page for it. <.<
Anyways~ Does anyone know where I can buy it? 8D
#556 Spyro LoverGirl 16:51:25 08/11/2010
oh come on. do you always have to say how cool this game is!!!! i don't even have a ds but i've seen the game though!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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