Spyro the Dragon


12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Spyro the Dragon

Spyro the Dragon

Meet Spyro the Dragon - he's a fiesty little flame-spouting dragon on a GIGANTIC, 'go-anywhere', 3D adventure!

  • Packed with puzzles and enchanting adventures. Collect treasures, recover stolen family jewels and discover hidden regions.
  • Dragons come to life with hints as you free them from their spells. Enemies run and hide, hit each other, fire cannons, throw snowballs and even "moon" you.
  • Take full flight in secret Treasure Rounds. Shoot down planes, fly through rings and arches and more!
Spyro the Dragon Spyro the Dragon Spyro the Dragon
North America Sep 9th 1998 European Union Oct 23rd 1998 Japan Apr 1st 1999
Dragon News Network
A full mirror of the Dragon News Network website created for Spyro the Dragon
A partial mirror of the European Spyro the Dragon website
A partial mirror of the US Spyro the Dragon website

#600 SD-King 23:09:00 26/07/2008
I AGREE WITH YOU 1,000,000,000%!
#599 Gaul 22:23:37 26/07/2008
This game is pathetic! It's not hard to defeat the whole game. Gnasty's nothing and way way too easy! The enemies color is green. What kind of enemy has the color skin GREEN? That's pathetic!
#598 Gaul 21:22:50 25/07/2008
What in God's name are you talking about? Are you ill, Anonymous?
#597 spyro boy 15:25:04 25/07/2008
I got a 120% on the game really I baet it yesterday
#596 SD-King 20:08:23 24/07/2008
So?Play it.
#595 Sails_the_fox 17:01:06 24/07/2008
i really wanna play this game!!!
#594 The Chroncler 04:36:34 24/07/2008
Dragonlover11,I wil try 2 hlp,but it wil b hard.U now the very last suprcharg U enconter? And the little spot near the metal and wooden doors with some treasure and a "ramp"? Use the supr charg 2 go 2 that spot,still in suprcharg mode,go 2 the left,go 2 the closest wirlwind near u, but dont go in it.insted, go off it left a little bit,ushould make it. Hope u got all that crazy information
#593 darkkell 00:05:27 24/07/2008
? i finished that game a long time ago
#592 dragonlover11 19:16:06 23/07/2008
any1 have over 100%? i need help on the haunted towers level how do U get the hidden dragon and the rest of the treasure?
#591 LyraDragon 12:42:12 23/07/2008
is it true that you can't by spyro gtg, yotd or std?
#590 Glen 09:17:11 22/07/2008
i'm playing it now so it dont suck
#589 Samuel 16:40:48 21/07/2008
I still play it !!!!
#588 SD-King 04:47:55 21/07/2008
I stand by what I said.
#587 Sails_the_fox 00:22:23 21/07/2008
this game does not suck! i love this game! i can't play it anymore cause its to old! (don't ask)
#586 Samuel 14:37:53 20/07/2008
The game don't suck !!!!
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