Spyro the Dragon


12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Spyro the Dragon

Spyro the Dragon

Meet Spyro the Dragon - he's a fiesty little flame-spouting dragon on a GIGANTIC, 'go-anywhere', 3D adventure!

  • Packed with puzzles and enchanting adventures. Collect treasures, recover stolen family jewels and discover hidden regions.
  • Dragons come to life with hints as you free them from their spells. Enemies run and hide, hit each other, fire cannons, throw snowballs and even "moon" you.
  • Take full flight in secret Treasure Rounds. Shoot down planes, fly through rings and arches and more!
Spyro the Dragon Spyro the Dragon Spyro the Dragon
North America Sep 9th 1998 European Union Oct 23rd 1998 Japan Apr 1st 1999
Dragon News Network
A full mirror of the Dragon News Network website created for Spyro the Dragon
A partial mirror of the European Spyro the Dragon website
A partial mirror of the US Spyro the Dragon website

#630 AntauriWolf 23:58:09 16/08/2008
Ah yes, the first game that got me into gaming and they very first game I ever played. Spyro...I Saulte You!
#629 SD-King 22:10:40 16/08/2008
#628 spiro101 04:26:13 13/08/2008
this is a good game but i preefer the new serious.
#627 Dragon 18:11:10 12/08/2008
This was the first game I ever played; and it was awesome. I have nostalgic moments when I play it smilie....ah, I miss the old days π-π I've beaten too many times to count....
go Spyro! X3
#626 SD-King 23:02:44 09/08/2008
My C.D. won't let me go into the Beast Makers swamp and it act's like the portal's a wall.So I can't get 117%.
#625 dragonlover11 18:20:35 06/08/2008
mines all scratched up to but it works just fine
#624 3 22:45:25 05/08/2008
it's probaly scratched
#623 Shineot 21:15:29 04/08/2008
Whats wrong with your CD?
#622 SD-King 03:25:15 04/08/2008
I can't complete the game because of the stupid c.d.
#621 Spyro Girl 20:53:44 02/08/2008
I have this game i finihsed it two times.
#620 The Chroncler 21:42:22 29/07/2008
Gnasty's loot.
#619 spyrorockforeva 12:07:57 29/07/2008
my fav would ave to be dream wavers lol

here is a question - what is your fav flying level

spyro rocks foreva and don't you forget it
(spread the word to the world)
#618 spyro_madgirl 21:27:13 28/07/2008
My favourite is Magic Crafters. =D What about yours?
#617 spyrorockforeva 21:12:26 28/07/2008
oh wait i managed to come up with one last thing
what is your fav homeworld in this game?
lol i don't think there is anything more to say after this question lol.

spyro rocks foreva and don't you forget it
(spread the word to the world)
#616 spyrorockforeva 20:46:56 28/07/2008
lol indeed
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