Spyro the Dragon


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Spyro the Dragon

Spyro the Dragon

Meet Spyro the Dragon - he's a fiesty little flame-spouting dragon on a GIGANTIC, 'go-anywhere', 3D adventure!

  • Packed with puzzles and enchanting adventures. Collect treasures, recover stolen family jewels and discover hidden regions.
  • Dragons come to life with hints as you free them from their spells. Enemies run and hide, hit each other, fire cannons, throw snowballs and even "moon" you.
  • Take full flight in secret Treasure Rounds. Shoot down planes, fly through rings and arches and more!
Spyro the Dragon Spyro the Dragon Spyro the Dragon
North America Sep 9th 1998 European Union Oct 23rd 1998 Japan Apr 1st 1999
Dragon News Network
A full mirror of the Dragon News Network website created for Spyro the Dragon
A partial mirror of the European Spyro the Dragon website
A partial mirror of the US Spyro the Dragon website

#1305 Sparx101 12:03:00 26/03/2011
I think it`s a pretty good game
#1304 spyrorocks101 23:40:22 24/03/2011
he is green i think
#1303 Purple 21:33:34 24/03/2011
sparx looks anarexic....and green. ??????smilie
#1302 spyrorocks101 00:55:29 23/03/2011
i know mostly in the japanese version i think
#1301 ccrogers15 00:32:08 23/03/2011
have you looked how much spyro resembles a cat?
#1300 spyrorocks101 03:46:27 22/03/2011
awsome im on facebook so ill check it out
#1299 dyz 07:16:34 21/03/2011
if u r on facebook i made a spyro page named just Spyro u shold chek it out and like it smilie its the one with all of the spyro game pics
#1298 Purple 21:31:33 20/03/2011
that thing in the bottom right-hand corner looks like a penguin with a turban
#1297 Purple 01:51:24 20/03/2011
those dogs in dark passage are freaky in the dark and cute in the light until they run up bite you Example:

Dark Version
smilie: aw look at the cute little puppy

puppy(now demon dog): RAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWR!!!!!!

smilie: AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Light Version
smilie: aww look at the cute puppy

puppy: *runs up* BITE

smilie: OWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!
#1296 Cynderstar12 20:20:30 19/03/2011
i think they should of put a female dragoness into this game. smilie
#1295 spyrorocks101 02:43:01 16/03/2011
i know right but i like his sassyness
#1293 Cynderstar12 13:55:32 13/03/2011
its kinda of scary when you look back on how much Spyro has changed, i hate spyro's voive in this game! smilie it sounds like he has a cold or somethin! :L
#1292 spyrorocks101 22:50:24 11/03/2011
i have like a 39746983276479357369321653459235453654 times
#1291 Spyro-Gamer - Hunter 07:15:19 11/03/2011
I have this game, but I haven't gone into the secret treasure vault yet as I can't find all the dragons and all the gems.
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