Spyro the Dragon


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Spyro the Dragon

Spyro the Dragon

Meet Spyro the Dragon - he's a fiesty little flame-spouting dragon on a GIGANTIC, 'go-anywhere', 3D adventure!

  • Packed with puzzles and enchanting adventures. Collect treasures, recover stolen family jewels and discover hidden regions.
  • Dragons come to life with hints as you free them from their spells. Enemies run and hide, hit each other, fire cannons, throw snowballs and even "moon" you.
  • Take full flight in secret Treasure Rounds. Shoot down planes, fly through rings and arches and more!
Spyro the Dragon Spyro the Dragon Spyro the Dragon
North America Sep 9th 1998 European Union Oct 23rd 1998 Japan Apr 1st 1999
Dragon News Network
A full mirror of the Dragon News Network website created for Spyro the Dragon
A partial mirror of the European Spyro the Dragon website
A partial mirror of the US Spyro the Dragon website

#1335 Cynderstar12 17:00:18 14/04/2011
@thunderdragon and Spyrobuddy.
When my "a Hero's Tail" Game was scrached, my mum rinsed under a hot tap added some dove hand soap and dryed it off then I put it in my playstation and the game worked perfectly.
#1334 Thunderdragon14 22:08:06 13/04/2011
Most of them were for suicied since I kept getting stuck at a random spot xD
#1333 Purple 17:08:24 13/04/2011
4? wow
#1332 Thunderdragon14 06:45:37 13/04/2011
Thanks xD
I had about 70 lives when I began tree-tops,
and when I finished I had only 4 o_o
#1331 SuperSpyroFan 06:36:19 13/04/2011
@Thunderdragon14: I think there are between 12 and 15 dragon eggs in the whole game, and they are in the first three homeworlds, any thieves after the third homeworld probably only carry gems or keys.
#1330 Thunderdragon14 19:41:48 12/04/2011
I only got the theif that runs randomly on the supercharge things,
are there anymore theifs?
#1329 jac900 18:58:50 12/04/2011
This game gets me really mad when they make it nearly impossible to finish treetops unless you have a lot of lives and know where the gem thiefs go.
#1328 Thunderdragon14 18:48:22 12/04/2011
Only if it looks...BLEGH
I currently have 70% of this game finished :D
#1327 Purple 18:47:29 12/04/2011
thx. ill try that next time. will it wipe out the disc any time?
#1326 jac900 18:29:23 12/04/2011
I play this game all the time and my record for 120% is three hours!
#1325 Thunderdragon14 00:56:08 12/04/2011
you wet it then dry it,
#1324 spyrorocks101 22:33:50 11/04/2011
wont that break the disk and thank u thunderdragon14 i love ebay
#1323 Cynderstar12 19:31:14 10/04/2011
If that doesn't work purple, Use soaps or something on it. :/ That's what I do, and you still have to dry it completely. If that doesn't work then rinse the disc under a HOT tap. smilie
#1322 Thunderdragon14 17:46:06 10/04/2011
I dropped my disc plenty of times, it works perfectly fine.
you WET THE DISC under water then dry it completlywith a somethin'.
make sure the entire disc is dry or else your system will explode into chaos.
#1321 Purple 16:31:31 10/04/2011
im scared it wont work. what if it gets a scratch? even after i get it? how do i clean it?
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