Spyro: A Hero's Tail


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Spyro: A Hero's Tail

Spyro: A Hero's Tail

The fifth major console version of the little purple dragon has arrived. Spyro returns this time developed by the company behind such games as Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds, Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy and Crash Bash. Eurocom. They bring with them a fresh feel to the series that had been nearly completely ruined by the efforts of the last company in Enter the Dragonfly.

Spyro: A Hero's Tail is released on all three major consoles, the PS2, GameCube and Xbox. Featuring five playable characters including one brand new character, Blink the mole.

Spyro: A Hero's Tail Spyro: A Hero's Tail Spyro: A Hero's Tail
North America Nov 2nd 2004
Spyro: A Hero's Tail Spyro: A Hero's Tail Spyro: A Hero's Tail
European Union Nov 15th 2004

Once again the Dragon Realms are in danger, this time from a fellow dragon. Red, the evil dragon, a fallen dragon elder has placed many dark gems all over the realms in order to gain control over them. Their powers are seeping into the world and corrupting it. It's up to Spyro and friends to save the world again!

#1710 Purple 19:44:19 11/04/2012
hahaha. :/ i actually have an adult flame los drawing. if you could see it you would eat those laughs. oh yes, im getting my diabolical on. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
#1709 cynder124 14:44:22 11/04/2012
wat if he would look cute and add some GOOOGLEY EYES smiliesmiliesmilie
#1708 Purple n Spyro 21:16:21 09/04/2012
Flame as a Los Character? *laughs head off*.... Wait... You were serious?

Jk jk but Naah I'd hate him as a Los character.
#1707 Purple 18:40:35 09/04/2012
thats weird. DO A BARREL ROLL! LOL
#1706 spyro-dragon13 02:32:09 09/04/2012
yeah he would and so many times iv played i get hacked like gnasty had this wierd bomb moved that killed me instanly
#1705 Purple 00:46:05 09/04/2012
dont you think flame would look good as a TLOS character?
#1704 Purple n Spyro 22:38:39 08/04/2012
I just started playing this again.
#1703 eggbot 18:43:57 08/04/2012
is there any cheats
#1702 eggbot 20:48:33 07/04/2012
the most gliched world

the world where you battle ineptune you can skip 2 her
#1701 eggbot 20:47:13 07/04/2012
new boss rate of me from hardest to easyest




#1700 Purple 20:35:11 06/04/2012
what the? weird. gnasty gnorc is easy to me. yet somehow i die!
#1699 eggbot 11:28:50 06/04/2012
well i got hacked while battleing smilie and meca-red meca-red got hacked like never ending fireworks set off and smiliehad a super move witch killed me instly on full health gnast shot 500 tornadows a huge undogeable net and loads of electrick beams.
#1698 spyro-dragon13 04:23:41 06/04/2012
yeah i only finished my new one a couple of days ago i dont know how you think hes easy
#1697 eggbot 21:55:11 05/04/2012
for me meca-red is easyer than smilie
#1696 Purple 17:37:57 05/04/2012
mecha red is not easy! i still havent beat him! well i havent played in a while either.

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