The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning
The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning
Released in October 2006, The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning, is said to be the first of a new reset storyline and was developed by Krome Studios (PS2, XBOX, GCN, GBA) and Amaze Entertainment (DS).
Oct 10th 2006 | Oct 27th 2006 |
- Action/combat orientated
- New breath abilities, fury attacks, melee and aerial combo attacks
- Upgradeable breath abilities
- The new storyline explores Spyro's origins, all the way back to when he hatched and was raised by a family of dragonflies
- Fire, Earth, Electric and Ice breaths.
- The villain is a female black dragon called Cynder.
- Krome Studios are taking care of the Xbox, PS2, Gamecube and GBA versions whilst Amaze Entertainment are making the DS version again.
- Five bosses to fight during the game
- Spyro returns to the skies
- Elijah Wood as the voice of Spyro
- David Spade as the voice of Sparx
- Gary Oldman as the voice of Ignitus: a red dragon, the Fire Dragon Elder and Spyro's mentor.
- Named enemies. A lot of creatures that Spyro attacks will have their own individual name (randomly assigned except for significant enemies such as bosses or some small creatures). You can read a complete list of all of the bits of the names, and view a Random Enemy Name Generator.
Whoops, I spelled crashing wrong on my last post, sorry about that.
im in the part after tall plains with the makerrzans or what ever there called and im past the part with the trains and that stuff but im stuck where you beat the 3 or 4 buffalo bettles and then go in a room with lots of little beetle and i dont know where to go
Hiya Bianca! There is a new sorceress and sorceror smilie, oh, and a grendor smilie too! And also, dark52 fixed a few errors, such as the cheat error in the Spyro 3 section.
Hey guys! Long time no see. Our internet's been crahing a lot lately and I was pretty busy...anyway, any new updates while I was gone?
im stuck on the fire levil wher eyou get the earth breath the boss is impossible!!!!!!!
can sum1 help pls
can sum1 help pls
This is a begining of a new version of spyro and it is my favorite why did they put islands instead of realms. This is the coolest spyro so far.
Hey it wasn't made by Dark52 Man I copleted this game just today
this spyro game is fun why dont you make a nuther spyro game
Hey i lov ethe spyro games but see i am stuck in tall plains after i save the cow looking guy i dont know where i am supposed to go? HELP PLEASE!
Yeah, and all of the solutions to those dang tedious things are on this site, too.
They're in nearly every part of every level. I don't know the specifics, try the walkthrough on GameFAQs.
where in the game are these puzzles. I mean in what level and where in that level?
Once you've collected enough shards (20 then 40) from completing the puzzles in story mode you can just unlock them in the Extras menu.
hey, dark52 you seem to know everything, so can you tell me how to unlock the "extra" light puzzles?"
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