Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly


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Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly

Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly

Developed by previously unknown (and since) companies Equinoxe/Check Six, this game, it's safe to say, was rubbish. Easily the worst Spyro game ever created. Though I might as well have this section despite that.

Spyro: Enter the DragonflySpyro: Enter the Dragonfly Spyro: Enter the DragonflySpyro: Enter the Dragonfly
North America Nov 5th 2002 European Union Nov 29th 2002
System Developer Age Rating
PlayStation 2
Nintendo GameCube
Equinoxe / Check Six 3+ E - Everyone

There's very little to the story of this game. Basically they're still celebrating the Year of the Dragon festival, but now it's time to give the baby dragons their dragonflies. However Ripto shows up, mucks up a spell and loses all of the dragonflies all over the realm. Even Sparx. It's up to Spyro to save the day again.

#585 Skyqueen 02:34:28 10/08/2008
and playing as Cynder!
#584 ExtremeSpyro 22:38:16 09/08/2008
OMG spyro is so cool i cant wait till spyro dawn of the dragons comes out
free flying COOL
#583 Spyro 101 13:35:26 08/08/2008
This game was an easy game to beat, but somehow I wish there was a way to make a different villain, because Ripto died in the 2nd game and he cannot resurrect again.
#582 Shineot 19:36:45 07/08/2008
Bubble Breath does have a purpose, although it may not look very good
#581 kungfuspar 21:14:56 06/08/2008
That Breath is lame. I Wish the Earth Breath was in This.
#580 spyrathedragon 18:24:34 06/08/2008
i love this game!bubble breath is not lame!and spyro looks SOOOO CUTE in this game!smilie
#579 Skyqueen 05:56:01 04/08/2008
no its not! every breath on this game is ment for something, like flame breath on the start of the level. you had to deaft the emies some how!
electric breath lets you get to the other side, and bubble breath lets you caucht the dragonflys! smilie ice breath lets you get the kites for the little dragons! so yeah! bubble breath is not lame.
#578 Firestar 05:01:55 03/08/2008
I dont like bubblebreath, its boring and lame
#577 Cynder16 15:47:56 01/08/2008
I like Ice Breath
#576 Skyqueen 05:41:03 30/07/2008
i like bubble breath! its really funny!! but my BEST breath would have to be fire breath. smilie
#575 spyrorockforeva 12:26:51 29/07/2008
a bubble breath for catching dragon flys i wounder who thought of that. couldn't spyro just grab them or someting or wouldn't the dragonflys come too him when they see him because they didn't run away before at the first cutscean lol.

spyro rocks foreva and don't you forget it
(spread the word to the world)
#574 spyro_madgirl 00:11:13 29/07/2008
Yah, it's only used for catching dragonflies. =[
#573 spyro52 22:08:21 28/07/2008
#572 spyrorockforeva 21:19:01 28/07/2008
yey try again and hopefully it will show up!

spyro rocks foreva and don't you forget it
(spread the word to the world)
#571 spyro madgirl 19:49:09 28/07/2008
Whenever an area in that level disappears it's always that one, which is a real shame... but you're right, maybe it's worth trying it again. =]
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