Spyro: A Hero's Tail


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Spyro: A Hero's Tail

Spyro: A Hero's Tail

The fifth major console version of the little purple dragon has arrived. Spyro returns this time developed by the company behind such games as Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds, Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy and Crash Bash. Eurocom. They bring with them a fresh feel to the series that had been nearly completely ruined by the efforts of the last company in Enter the Dragonfly.

Spyro: A Hero's Tail is released on all three major consoles, the PS2, GameCube and Xbox. Featuring five playable characters including one brand new character, Blink the mole.

Spyro: A Hero's Tail Spyro: A Hero's Tail Spyro: A Hero's Tail
North America Nov 2nd 2004
Spyro: A Hero's Tail Spyro: A Hero's Tail Spyro: A Hero's Tail
European Union Nov 15th 2004

Once again the Dragon Realms are in danger, this time from a fellow dragon. Red, the evil dragon, a fallen dragon elder has placed many dark gems all over the realms in order to gain control over them. Their powers are seeping into the world and corrupting it. It's up to Spyro and friends to save the world again!

#1140 TorchSheep 14:17:52 19/04/2011
just jump smilie
#1139 Purple 14:05:10 19/04/2011
im confused. whats spaming? P.S. i think mecha red is hard because of the laser gnorcs. i die after the first gnorc part. tips?
#1138 TorchSheep 12:23:49 16/04/2011
Good Game!
#1137 spyrorocks101 22:09:42 15/04/2011
my first time i think i died 2 times just cuz i wasnt paying attention and 2 it is my first spyro game so i thought he was hard but now hes super easy
#1136 Cynderstar12 16:45:33 15/04/2011
Whe it was my first itme killing the second red, he was easier than the first because I didn't die once!
#1135 spyrorocks101 00:59:17 15/04/2011
hes easy i love fighting red its FUN!
#1134 Thunderdragon14 23:35:53 14/04/2011
Mecha red was hard for me :/
Thank god I had the extra sparx life thing :P
#1133 Purple 19:00:11 14/04/2011
im at the end! i just have to fight mecha red and ill beat the game!!! smilie
#1132 Cynderstar12 17:02:25 14/04/2011
What's even worse is that it's icy so you seem to slip around everywhere!
#1131 Thunderdragon14 01:53:25 14/04/2011
It's easyer with water breath
#1130 Purple 18:12:30 13/04/2011
whats in the extra scene?
#1129 Cynderstar12 18:05:21 13/04/2011
I just push them with my horns :/
#1128 SuperSpyroFan 06:48:07 13/04/2011
@Thunderdragon14: I find all the bosses in this game to be easy.
#1127 Thunderdragon14 20:07:48 12/04/2011
The first battle was extrremely easy :/
use water breath to move the boxes
#1126 Purple 18:30:42 12/04/2011
it worked! i beat him! thx! you guys rock!
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