Spyro: A Hero's Tail


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Spyro: A Hero's Tail

Spyro: A Hero's Tail

The fifth major console version of the little purple dragon has arrived. Spyro returns this time developed by the company behind such games as Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds, Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy and Crash Bash. Eurocom. They bring with them a fresh feel to the series that had been nearly completely ruined by the efforts of the last company in Enter the Dragonfly.

Spyro: A Hero's Tail is released on all three major consoles, the PS2, GameCube and Xbox. Featuring five playable characters including one brand new character, Blink the mole.

Spyro: A Hero's Tail Spyro: A Hero's Tail Spyro: A Hero's Tail
North America Nov 2nd 2004
Spyro: A Hero's Tail Spyro: A Hero's Tail Spyro: A Hero's Tail
European Union Nov 15th 2004

Once again the Dragon Realms are in danger, this time from a fellow dragon. Red, the evil dragon, a fallen dragon elder has placed many dark gems all over the realms in order to gain control over them. Their powers are seeping into the world and corrupting it. It's up to Spyro and friends to save the world again!

#1230 miniquiny999 17:06:57 06/07/2011
this is my fav out of al smilie games without sequls
#1229 lolwhut 19:34:11 05/07/2011
My friend Dylan has game.
#1228 spyro crash 13:52:24 05/07/2011
that sounded odd smilie smilie
#1227 Thunderdragon14 08:51:48 05/07/2011
You don't teleport there, YOU take the ball thing to there
#1226 SpyroFan21 21:19:21 04/07/2011
I have this game a gmaecube I think sparx looks stupid though!
#1225 SpyroFan21 21:18:28 04/07/2011
I can't teleport to Dragonfly Falls! I am stuck in the game!!!!!!!
#1224 spyro crash 12:04:57 03/07/2011
speaking of chaos when was the last sonic game made?
#1223 Cynderstar12 11:04:34 03/07/2011
Wouldn't it be amazing if in skylanders 2, kaos brought all of spyro's enemies from the classics into the skylands and they all fought against everyone!
#1222 PurpleEye 11:00:35 02/07/2011
I wonder if red will be in any other games apart from this game and Sl!

Mabye in a future game!

Who knows!
#1221 woogidie 16:31:45 01/07/2011
@Spyro Avenger I never said I don't like any Spyro games, I said I love the classic playstation ones, but I'm just not a fan of the ones beyond it. So basically I AM a Spyro fan, but I'm not a fan of certain ones.
#1220 dragonwings_987 21:40:29 28/06/2011
I agree
#1219 Spyro Magic 20:52:47 28/06/2011
I absolutely LOVE this game! I love how we can be other characters. And the graphics are amazing! There are so many colors. They did a very good job.
#1218 Spyro Avenger 19:11:49 28/06/2011
Why are you on here if you dont like any spyro games?
#1217 woogidie 14:03:33 28/06/2011
@Cynderstar12 yes, I love the classic playstation ones, and the two for GBA (Season of Ice and Season of Flame) were okay, but I didn't like any other after that.
#1216 Cynderstar12 17:49:08 27/06/2011
Listen, I know your expressing your opinion, but is there a spyro game you actually do like? :L
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