Spyro: A Hero's Tail


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Spyro: A Hero's Tail

Spyro: A Hero's Tail

The fifth major console version of the little purple dragon has arrived. Spyro returns this time developed by the company behind such games as Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds, Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy and Crash Bash. Eurocom. They bring with them a fresh feel to the series that had been nearly completely ruined by the efforts of the last company in Enter the Dragonfly.

Spyro: A Hero's Tail is released on all three major consoles, the PS2, GameCube and Xbox. Featuring five playable characters including one brand new character, Blink the mole.

Spyro: A Hero's Tail Spyro: A Hero's Tail Spyro: A Hero's Tail
North America Nov 2nd 2004
Spyro: A Hero's Tail Spyro: A Hero's Tail Spyro: A Hero's Tail
European Union Nov 15th 2004

Once again the Dragon Realms are in danger, this time from a fellow dragon. Red, the evil dragon, a fallen dragon elder has placed many dark gems all over the realms in order to gain control over them. Their powers are seeping into the world and corrupting it. It's up to Spyro and friends to save the world again!

#1410 gnastygnorc 01:50:31 19/11/2011
i loved the game i beat it twice
#1409 Purple n Spyro 01:47:10 19/11/2011
This game isn't all that great IMO.
#1408 McSpyro 05:25:01 18/11/2011
this look way better than enter the dragonfly.
#1407 McSpyro 05:21:56 18/11/2011
ive been trying to find all of the spyro games after enter the dragonfly on ps2 and i havnt been able to find any. anybody know where i can find them?
#1406 Purple 01:53:17 18/11/2011
ok. im good like that with jokes. ive got another one: What did the brain say to the math teacher?
#1405 LevanJess 03:23:45 15/11/2011
The grill joke. :P
I'll probably look up your YouTube account this week.
#1404 Purple 01:47:23 15/11/2011
guess what???? i will be making more vids and putting on what ive already finished for this weekend AND next weekend! prepare for so many vids, they will be up in your grill!
#1403 Purple 00:55:08 15/11/2011
laughed at what? the grill joke or my vids?
#1402 huge dotd freak 19:36:37 14/11/2011
well i just found hat my cover on te disk for this is in half
#1401 LevanJess 11:41:04 14/11/2011
I just explained it to Purple.
Read it again.
#1400 foxishsolitude 07:57:29 14/11/2011
wats a white knight anyway???

#1399 spyrorules1298 06:26:31 14/11/2011
i want this game!!
#1398 LevanJess 01:22:29 14/11/2011
I admit I laughed.
#1397 Purple 23:50:29 13/11/2011
lol up in their grill. im up in spyros grill cause i play it so much. smilie lolololol
#1396 LevanJess 05:02:04 13/11/2011
No, no, I don't think it has anything to do with love. xD

A White Knight is someone who mindlessly defends someone without seeing what they did wrong or just ignoring it. Basically ignoring the fact WHY people are "up in their grill" I guess you could say.
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