Spyro: A Hero's Tail


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Spyro: A Hero's Tail

Spyro: A Hero's Tail

The fifth major console version of the little purple dragon has arrived. Spyro returns this time developed by the company behind such games as Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds, Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy and Crash Bash. Eurocom. They bring with them a fresh feel to the series that had been nearly completely ruined by the efforts of the last company in Enter the Dragonfly.

Spyro: A Hero's Tail is released on all three major consoles, the PS2, GameCube and Xbox. Featuring five playable characters including one brand new character, Blink the mole.

Spyro: A Hero's Tail Spyro: A Hero's Tail Spyro: A Hero's Tail
North America Nov 2nd 2004
Spyro: A Hero's Tail Spyro: A Hero's Tail Spyro: A Hero's Tail
European Union Nov 15th 2004

Once again the Dragon Realms are in danger, this time from a fellow dragon. Red, the evil dragon, a fallen dragon elder has placed many dark gems all over the realms in order to gain control over them. Their powers are seeping into the world and corrupting it. It's up to Spyro and friends to save the world again!

#1320 Dark Spyrel 07:40:54 03/10/2011
cartoony, CARTOONY!!!!!!!!! how is it cartoony? it's all animated
#1319 ccrogers15 03:28:53 03/10/2011
the last good console spyro.
#1318 huge dotd freak 18:28:35 02/10/2011
ok she unpacked it im happy now
#1317 SuperSpyro700 16:36:16 02/10/2011
Just to be honest, I do like this game. Although it's a little bit too cartoony for me to play.
#1316 ccrogers15 12:16:03 02/10/2011
for some reason, i felt secure when i would play this game. I dont know why. I felt the same way when i went and ate in the old windows on the world food place in the old twin towers.
#1315 huge dotd freak 21:24:23 30/09/2011
well right now this game is sitting in my room doing nothing,my mom,s back i dont know why she wont un pack the ps2.
#1314 Dark Spyrel 09:53:28 29/09/2011
@Dragonwings i agree and also @trueSPYRO which crash racing game is it cause i've finished all of them on ps2 ps1 xbox360.just tell me and i'll give some tips

smilie rox
#1313 trueSPYRO 00:48:38 29/09/2011
my brother wont let me play it til I beat crash racing >:(
#1312 dragonwings_987 22:15:11 28/09/2011
@DarkSpyrel - Yeah, the design of Spyro is pretty much the same, and the same goes with Enter the Dragonfly.
#1311 trueSPYRO 01:01:21 28/09/2011
it does look pretty fun :)
#1310 Dark Spyrel 05:59:43 26/09/2011
Dragonwings-987 when you said it's and old(ish) game i thort on it being like spyro 1 somehow
smilie rox
smilie rox
smilie sucks
#1309 dragonwings_987 00:40:48 26/09/2011
This game still sorta is an old Spyro game. Other than the different characters and new abilities Spyro has, then it's the same. But I still love the new games, too smilie
#1308 Spyros_fan 19:15:21 25/09/2011
I wanted this game a long time ago.. finally got it... aaand...

I are disappoint :<
All of the 'old Spyro' fans hate the new Spyro.. well... what about this Spyro? :S
#1307 Dark Spyrel 08:59:00 24/09/2011
yeah and hes really um excesively destructive, wich is a good thing.
#1306 rockinspyrofan 08:36:44 24/09/2011
I really liked spyros voice in this game
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